Judging career aptitudes is one of the most difficult areas of astrology. Occasionally, a chart will offer a clear picture that makes it easy to see vocational direction. More often, however, it’s a mixed bag that defies simple categorization. Nonetheless, by following some basic rules of Vedic astrology (along with some Western ideas), we can catch a glimpse into the person’s probable areas of worldly engagement. And by using some of Jyotish’s unique timing techniques, we can predict when the most favourable periods for career advancement will be.
Besides providing a vocational guide, astrology can also indicate when career advances and setbacks are most likely. Using a combination of transits and planetary dashas, we can usually determine which times will yield favourable results and which times may prove more difficult. The dasha of a poorly placed, afflicted planet may prevent any advance despite the best efforts and hard work on the job. Conversely, the period of a well-placed planet may bring a very easy promotion or a new job that seems to just fall in one’s lap.
The critical issue then lies in determining which planets can yield good results and which will not. This is rarely straightforward and requires careful consideration of the natal and dashamsha (D-10) charts. Vital information can be gleaned from a planet’s house, sign, dispositor, nakshatra lord, aspects, declination, and midpoint pattern.
Career by Signs:
Aries (March 21-April 19)Professions are connected with the Army, defence department, surgeons, police, chemists, lawyers, iron and steel, machines, factories, industries, sport- goods, etc. Jobs that don't demand routine and involve travelling and jobs relating to sports are also suitable.
Ruling Planet - Mars- Mars indicates Civil engineering, soldier, army, hunting, circus, lawyers, ambassadors, property dealers, spying and wicked company, armed service, electrical engineers, butchers, atomic energy, postal service, contracting , etc.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Denotes trade in luxury goods, cosmetics, scents, jewels, gems, etc. Also connected with finance, music, pleasure resorts, cinema, actors, film producers, agriculture, transport, irrigation, income tax departments, ladies clubs, schools, fashion and beauty parlors, dealers in ladies garments and beauty items. Jobs relating to hand skill are best suited for them.
Ruling Planet- Venus- Venus as the ruling planet is related with artistic, musical and pleasurable pursuits, jewellers, hotels, cabaret houses, restaurants, horse races, milk, perfumes, cookery, medicine.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Geminis do well as brokers, businessmen, advocates, secretaries, journalists, travelling agents, and jobs related to them.
Ruling planet- Mercury- Mercury denotes salesmanship, school teachers, orators, accoutants, poets, editors, printers, publishers, clerical services, auditing, insurance agents, postal department,etc.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Their career is related with water like Navy, sailors, submarines, shipping companies, import and export and travels. They are also good caterers, restaurant managers, contractors, orators. They are also interested in sacred texts of religions.
Ruling planet- Moon- Moon rules over ladies, travelling, sailors, nurses, midwives, textiles, airy products, navy, hotels, liquids, ladies garments, irrigation and women's welfare.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
They occupy high positions in government services, managers of big corporates or concerns, directors , captains, sales managers ,etc. Luxury item related careers are found to be sucessful for the leos.
Ruling Planet - Sun- Sun rules over Kings, persons in power and authority, government positions, royal appointments, magistrates, medical persons, administrative posts, auditing and accountancy.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Virgos are good as brokers, accountants, lawyers, journalists, engineers, surgeons, works connected with the production and sales of liquids. Any job which is less tiresome is best for the Virgos.
Ruling Planet - Mercury- Mercury denotes salesmanship, school teachers, orators, accoutants, poets, editors, printers, publishers, clerical services, auditing, insurance agents, postal department,etc.
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Goverment services and officers, lawyers, chemists, sale of liquid items, electrical engineers, transport, navy, painters, dealers in ladies articles, amusements, writers, musicians, playback singers, actors, architects, salesmen. Monotonical administrative jobs are best taken by the Libras.
Ruling Planet- Venus- Venus as the ruling planet indicates artistic, musical and pleasurable pursuits, jewellers, hotels, cabaret houses, restaurants, horse races, milk, perfumes, cookery, medicine.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Scorpios do well in the fields of chemistry, medicine, insurance, maternity department, surgery, research work, detectives, iron and steel works, military department. Church and theatrical works go with them.
Ruling Planet- Mars -Mars indicates civil engineering, soldier, army, hunting, circus, lawyers, ambassadors, property dealers, spying and wicked company, armed service, electrical engineers, butchers, atomic energy, postal service, contractor, etc.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Teachers, professors, priests, public speakers, politicians, bank employees, professions related to religion and education institutions, editing and publishing, company law, civil engineering, contractors, foreign assignments. Also interested in jobs related to animals and their welfare.
Ruling planet- Jupiter- This indicates commerce, trade, government services, law , religion , money-lending, astrology, revenue, judges, scholars, authors, politics, income tax department.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Businesses dealing with oil, petrol, land, irrigation, agriculture, engineers, cement, law, scientific instruments, clubs, societies, mines, chemicals, leather and hides. All career that require mental ability suit them.
Ruling Planet- Saturn- Saturn denotes farming, medical services, insurance, mines, petrol, iron and steel, community development programmes, labor, spirituality, research works, occult sciences, leather, astronomy, mines,etc.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Scientists, executives, officers, lecturers, astrologers, legal, finance, educational advisors, dealers in shipping and export.
Ruling Planet- Saturn- Saturn denotes farming, medical services, insurance, mines, petrol, iron and steel, community development programmes, labor, spirituality, research works, occult sciences, leather, astronomy, mines,etc.
Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
Bankers, accountants, music and opera houses, cinema, occult sciences, actors, businessmen, liaison officers, managing directors, chairmen of companies, navy, shipping companies, dealers in beverages, cosmetics, chemicals, medical and educational departments etc.Also found to be sucessful in stage works.
Ruling Planet- Jupiter - This indicates commerce, trade, government services, law , religion , money-lending, astrology, revenue, judges, scholars, authors, politics, income tax department,etc.
Career by Planets:
Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewelers
Moon nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export.
Mars fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers.
Mercury intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport, astrologers.
Jupiter finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist, humanitarian.
Venus pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels.
Saturn the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk.
Rahu researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity, waste.
Ketu idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.
Uranus scientists, inventors, computing, astrologers, lab technicians, electronics.
Neptune photographers, movies, marine, oil, pharmaceutical, psychics, poets.
Pluto research, investigators, insurance, death, longevity-related technology, espionage.
astrology for career is the best way to find out the which field will suits you and can you do better in that particular field? astrology will provide you answer to these questions.
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ReplyDeletePousada Ubatuba
Astrology has all the solution of Career problem solution and Education problem solution .