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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rectification of birth time


When we talk about the rectification of birth time, we should first understand what do we mean by birth time. There are lot of misconceptions about the time that should be considered as the birth time. Different astrological texts have difference of opinion on birth time and some of the opinions mentioned in the various astrological texts about the moment of birth are as under:-

(a) It is the time when head of the child comes out of the mother’s womb.
(b) It is the time when newly born falls on the ground.
(c) It is the time when child has an independent existence i.e. when umbilical cord in cut.
(d) It is the time when child utters the first cry.

The opinions from (a) to (c) given above do not appear to be convincing as we know about breech child, in almost all the cases now a days child never falls on the ground and there are still born children who do not cry unless they are slapped. The opinion at (c) above appears to be convincing as till umbilical cord is cut, child breathes through mother and is integral part of mother. However the moment of birth should be taken as the time when umbilical cord is cut and child takes first breath for all astrological purposes. (d) crying of the child indicates independent existence. Numbers of theories have been advanced by different
astrologers regarding rectification of birth time.

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