In Indian horoscope, the 5th house of a horoscope which is also called as noble deeds indicates progeny, 9th house which is 5th, from 5th on the basis of the principle of Bahavat bhavam and also 7th house are important for the birth of a child. All these three houses and their lords should be well placed in the birth chart as well as in ‘Navamsha’.Then they should not have any malefic aspect nor they should be in ‘Paap Kartari yoga’’.Similarly, 5th, 7th and 9th lords should neither be,debilitated,combust or otherwise ill placed nor they should have any malefic aspect. Jupiter the significator of child birth should also be strong in the birth chart and Saptamsha chart.
The lord of the fifth house containing a mool trikona sign becomes the prime determinant for male progeny. In case of the fifth house does not contain a mool trikona sign, then the lord of the second house becomes the prime determinant for child birth. If both the fifth and the second houses do not contain mool trikona sign, then Jupiter becomes prime determinant for male child. The lord of the ascendant of Saptamamsha containing a mool trikona sign and the sun become the secondary determinants for male child. The happiness from male child is seen from the tenth house.
The number of children the mother will have can be easily determined by the 'influence' on the mother's 5th house; Mercury's strong influence on the 5th house suggests two children, if Saturn two or less, if Jupiter three or more.
when do i have my child?
ReplyDeletei have sun and mercury in 5th house in libra.
when will i have a child.my d.o.b 13/5/1987
ReplyDeleteWhen vl I have child my date of birth is 20/08/1987
ReplyDeleteHow many kids I will have
ReplyDeleteMy dob is 26/08/1980
ReplyDeleteHow many male children would I have dob:18 Feb 1980 time:3am place: India
ReplyDeletehow many kids i will have? My DOB 06 may 1978
ReplyDeletewhen i will have a child my date of birth is 16th Nov. 1981
ReplyDeleteWhen i will have a child my date of birth is 23.11.1983 .time-9.15 am
ReplyDeletemy D.O.B is 26th jan 1989 time 5:3 AM.
ReplyDeleteHow many kids I will have. My DOB is 31 Aug 1981
ReplyDeleteHow many kids I will have. My DOB is 31 Aug 1981
ReplyDeleteHow many kid I have my dob is Oct 23 1972
ReplyDeleteWhen will it have child my dob id 11-06-84 15:45pm
ReplyDeletesheetalJanuary 14, 2017 at 10:36 AM
When will it have child my dob id 11-06-84 15:45pm
Psychic Giant thx for reading