Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey is scheduled to be released on Dec 03/ 2010.
According to numerology here is the analysis:
Abhishek's DOB- Feb 05/1976. As his date of birth is 5, his Radical Number is 5. It’s ruler is Mercury. The ruler of his Lucky number 3 is Jupiter. His Radical number is 5 and Lucky number 3. The lord of Radical number 5 is Mercury and Lucky number 3 lord is Jupiter. Both of these numbers have friendly relations. This year is 35th year of abhishek. This year Abhishek will get mixed results, this year will be just average in regards to work.
Deepika's DOB- Jan 05/1986. As her date of birth is 5, your Radical Number is 5. It’s ruler is Mercury. The ruler of your Lucky number 3 is Jupiter. . The Lucky number 3 is friend of 6 and 9. Therefore numbers 3, 5, 6, 9 will be important and lucky for her. Same as Abhishek this year is average. This year she is passing her 25th year of her life, which is not a friendly number for her.
Ashutosh's DOB- Feb 15/1964. His date of birth is 15. By addition of 1 and 5, his Radical number is 6. The ruler of Radical number 6 is Venus, while for 1, it is Sun and for 5, it is Mercury. His Radical number is 6 and Lucky number is 1.He is passing his 47th year which adds upto number 2. This year is good for him.
The name "Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey " adds up to number 5 which is good for Abhishek, Deepika and Ashutosh. But currently all the major people connected with this movie are not in a very good period. This proves that this movie will just do average but unfortunately not a very BIG BIG blockbuster commercially but I am sure it will be a good movie.
Best of Luck to the cast and crew of the movie.
I watched the movie it is a good movie but it is not like watching again and again. I will rate it a little above average. I think your prediction will come right very soon