Marriage is one of the important decision of life. We all know there are good and bad marriages. When couple gets married most of the times the kundlis are matched, most of the marriages work but sometimes the marriages don’t work out and leads to sepration or divorce. Sometimes the kundlis are not matched and still couple enjoys a happy married life. There are reasons for divorce.
The following are the most common and major reasons:
1) Manglik person married to non maglik person.
2) More than one marriage indicated in kundli of either partner.
3) Any spouse continuing their premarital love relationship after marriage or extra marital relationships.
4) No sexual or very poor relationship between partners.
5) Partner falling very sick after marriage.
The following are the general reasons found in ones kundli which leads to divorce or sepration after marriage:
Out the nine planets five of them are either malefic or seprative planets. Sun/Surya, Mars/Mangal, Saturn/Sani and Rahu & Ketu are the seprative planets.
1) Surya in house-7, Surya gives divorce when either it is placed in lagna or seventh house. When Surya is in shatru or enemy rashi/sign than only it gives divorce else it only creates a conflict and verbal words may be spoken about divorce.
2) Mangal or Ketu in house-7, Mangal & Ketu are seprative planets and in majority cases it gives divorce. Ketu works like Mangal. But it only does not give divorce if it is associated with its own rashi/sign. Consistent controversies always happen after marriages and during its dasha/antar dasha it gives divorce. Fight & quarrels, physical assaults are more prominent & frequent in manglic. Even romantic talks at times results in a quarrel.
3) Sani & Rahu are the most dangerous planets for divorces. When Sani/Rahu has any association with the 7th house it always gives divorce, except in those cases when it is in association with its own house. Sani maha dasha lasts for 19 years & Rahu maha dasha lasts for 18 years and during its maha dasha/antar dasha, in transit if it gets associated with the 7th house may also give divorce. During this period frequency of conflicts, quarrels, controversies, misunderstanding, arguments are very high. Even relationship at times gets to physical assault by either of the spouses.
4) Impotency & unable to bear son are common reasons for separation. This is more prominent in small towns/cities or where the rural population is high.
my birhdate is 13/10/1983. place ahmedabad, time 19:10.
ReplyDeletewill you please guide me regarding divorce in my kundali?